Thursday 22 November 2018


Who:cheetahs What:cat where:africa

(p1) Why do cheetahs have spots:So they can camouflage to hide and then attack. Cheetahs have spots to blend in so the prey doesn’t know where it is

(p2) Where do cheetahs live:Southern african parks. Also open grassland to play and a big area.

(p3) How fast can a cheetah run:Adults can ran 21-72 kg Also another cheetah under adults can ran about 80-120 km/h

(p4) What are cheetahs: Cheetahs are apart of cats. But also cheetahs can’t climb trees. But they can run fast than any other land animal cheetahs can run fast as 112 km per hour that’s three seconds.

(p5) what is the cheetah’s prey/what they eat hyena,lion,leopard

Hopefully they don’t go existed


Friday 16 November 2018


Image result for status of four lions gisborne townI learnt that the other war people's family comes to put flowers/poppy's down to remember who died. 

Also i learnt that there are three rivers into one (1)Turanganui a kiwa shortest
(3)Turaheru golden moss

Image result for statue of evolutionMUSEUM COMPANY: Cowboys NZ battalion gisborne east cost hawkes bay

Made by: Dalvaness h

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Cyber smart

Today I worked on Smart Surfing.
I learnt that how to use voice talk
I found it hard to voice type
I found it easy to look for the photo's
Next time I need to work hard
This blog post shows I am a / a Stepping Up blogger